Get More People to YES!
By Debbie Wysocki
Network Marketing & Direct Sales Coach • IRRESISTIBLE Marketing & Branding Expert • Mastermind Facilitator • Author • Speaker – 800.576.3767 –
© Copyright 2013 Women with Dreams MLM Academy. All Rights Reserved.
‘Without a doubt the #1 key to building a Massive Team and become Financially Free is Duplication using the A-Z Presentation.’ As the leader of the and residual Money secrets teams, I can say part of that duplication is everyone being on the same page with the presentation. YOUR presentation must be so simple the brand new person could sit down and present—and with our A-Z presentation, they can! ~~Debbie Wysocki
The Power of the A-Z Presentation
When someone asked me, ‘Herb, what is the #1 reason why people fail in their own Network Marketing business?’, I said with 110% confidence, It is because they customize their presentations to each person assuming what their prospect will find exciting. This mindset will definitely set you up for failure!
Let me repeat myself the decision to customize your presentation for each individual prospect will demolish your possibility of creating the results that you desire through your business. I speak with 110% belief about this fact, because no one ever prospected me.
I was a New York State Trooper . . .
I had no business background, no industry background, but what I did have was someone who coached me on how to be a champion in this industry. I found a mentor and a coach and became the best student ever.
I went on to earn over six figures a month in MLM—and I attribute this great success story to becoming a great student, taking massive action, and being laser focused.
When my wife and I came out of retirement to build with our current company, I knew, that I knew, that I knew I would be HUGELY successful and no one was going to steal our dreams.
The key to our success—and yours is the power of duplication, which is simply showing the same presentation over and over again. You need to be presenting the entire business from A to Z to each and every one of your prospects. Why? Because you have no idea what is going on inside them as you share the business.
You’ll see immediate results when you get into a zone of showing the plan and then showing the plan again and again in the same fashion, which will increase your belief and create dramatic results. If you are not showing the plan to a prospect, you need to practice it yourself at least once each day!
You need to show your business exactly the same way to each prospect every time you present your program for two primary reasons:
Remember, I was living in New York, which is home to millions of people. You would think that out of all of those people someone would have prospected me for Network Marketing, but they prejudged me. They instantly looked at me and said to themselves, “This is just a State Trooper . . . he could never build a business.”
Well, they were wrong! Here are the reasons using an A-Z Presentation can make a difference – Follow Debbie’s outline, and you will have a home-run hit:
Reason #1 – You will be 100% full of confidence and conviction knowing what you are going to say, because you have presented the entire plan from A-Z numerous times the SAME EXACT WAY. Repetition is the mother of skill.
Reason #2 – When you begin to put this into practice, I can almost guarantee that you will have your prospects respond to aspects of your business you would have assumed they would not have been interested in before. Allow your learned habits of showing your business to work for you not against you!
Presenting your business the very same way to each and every prospect must become one of your learned habits. This will assist you in earning your right to your personal freedom through the industry of Network Marketing.
You will see your business explode within a short period of time! Just imagine everyone in your network internalizing this mindset and fully understanding the power of an A-Z presentation. The leadership abilities within them will skyrocket, which in turn will create momentum in your business.
Momentum is a force that you will not be able to control; it is also the key to unprecedented growth in your business. Leadership is earned by people who deserve it, and you will project leadership when you present with the ‘Power of A-Z.’
Always remember, it is just a matter of time before you hit your target when you keep aiming for it! Of course, the key is YOU MUST TAKE ACTION!
There’s only one way to fail in this business – and it’s not to open your mouth – to keep quiet about the business.
Debbie teaches by example key concepts . . . that IF YOU APPLY THEM, they will help you to build a business that is HUGE.
Herb C.
Man of the Year 2011
And Part of Debbie Wysocki’s Success Team
So what’s in the presentation? Here are the components of an A-Z Presentation—typically shown in a power point format:
The people you are sharing the plan with want to know why they should do business with you. Share your story – WHY did you choose this company, WHY you are building a business – and that YOU ARE ON TRACK to achieving your goals and objectives with our TEAM. This part is really telling your prospect what sets you apart from the 10s of 1000s of other distributors in your company (About 5 minutes and no more than 8 minutes) -
Here is where you share about the management team – the unique story about how your company got started (15 seconds about your founders), their mission, where they are located, their total sales, if they have been featured in any publications, their membership in DSA, and how they give back to their community.
One slide (a few comments) about the Industry and the same for Trends (3 – 5 minutes) -
Briefly describe the flagship products and the overall goals of what the product line is to achieve. Note – you do not have to know every ingredient or how it is made and you don’t have to talk about them. Share your product testimonial and one or two others. You want this section to be compelling. What makes your product Unique. (3-5 minutes) -
Keep it simple. We build teams – it’s a simple plan. If your company is a binary, it’s two teams — if it’s not a binary, keep it to the words ‘teams.’ The first step is to introduce the product or business to just _____ people, and then you are eligible to earn income not just on your efforts but EVERYONE who is enrolled below you (whether or not you introduced them to the company). Next ask the question“Are you looking to make $500/month — $1,000 to $2,000/month – or a full-time income?”
This question tells you (without asking) what time commitment they have and what their belief level is.
We use a graph to depict the 3 levels.
One to two slides here – one for the compensation amounts and the simple ‘Golden Triangle’ showing becoming a Consultant (3 minutes) -
I’m guessing your company has some great tools. Corporate typically invests millions of dollars to provide the field with important trainings. One thing they can’t provide is your brand – and typically they can’t provide a turn-key system. This was a game changer for me when I startedand began creating community.
We offer specific training relating to prospecting, recruiting, presenting, closing, overcoming objections, follow-up (using an automated DRIP system) along with other follow-up tools, branding, having systems for both customers and business builders, 50+ ways to market both off and online, and share how to position your Company for optimal income tax savings. We have fun! – personalize this for your business/company (3 minutes)
THE NEXT STEP IS . . . Summary
This is where we share the options to get started. Share your company’s best value for business builders to get started. You want to position it as the lowest cost or the mid-level choice. (note this doesn’t mean it is the lowest way to get started – but it is the lowest way people get started who want to work with you). It’s really important not to cheat your new business builder out of getting started properly – because without enough product and tools, they will struggle and may never get back to re-ordering.Remember, how you start your business will be how the majority of people on your TEAM choose to get started.
The SPEED OF THE LEADER . . . Is The Speed of The TEAM!
Show the options that you like best – it’s important to give at least two and position the Pacesetter as the lower priced one or the mid-priced choice (being the most valuable one). It’s human nature to go with the ‘middle’ package. (3 minutes)
Restate (briefly) why you are building and how excited you are to have the right vehicle to help you get there and why joining your TEAM is a smart decision for your prospect(s). 2 minutesTotal time – Approximately 25 – 29 minutes
This format will allow you to keep your prospects’ attention, give a personalized presentation (meaning your presentation), answer their questions before they are asked, and begin the closing process.
When you schedule a one hour appointment, it also allows for 25-30 minutes to answer questions and complete the enrollment process.
The goal is to be a storyteller – and know that you know way more than your prospect.
There are two other key points to remember:
- You are qualifying the person to be part of your TEAM. Not everyone qualifies . . . are they excited about creating something more, are they positive, are they loyal, are they coachable?
- You need both NOs and YESes – do not worry about which one you get. Do not be emotionally tied to your prospects choice. Think of it like making garlic mashed potatoes – not everyone will like them – when they are on the dinner table – would this hurt your feelings?
Take advantage of creating your personalized A-Z Presentation using the resources in your back office. Simply remove my photos and store and put yours in!
Practice your presentation every day – and have fun sharing it – it should come naturally – it may not be that way at first – but I guarantee you after you practice it 25 times, you won’t need notes and you won’t worry.
If you are doing a presentation in person, the best advice I can give you is DON’T be perfect. If you are too perfect, the person watching you will think that they have to be perfect and that they can never do it as good as you – they don’t realize that you have been doing it longer – so make it casual. And don’t worry if you make a mistake or two.
And, finally, at the end of your presentation, remember to ASK them what they liked best – LISTEN, then ask them are they ready to get started.
A few additional comments:
Before having a career conversation with someone or making a formal business presentation or even a home business presentation, as questions. What brought you here today? My business is health and wellness; so I ask are you looking for better health or are you looking for an income opportunity?
And then I am quiet.
If they say the opportunity, I say great; if they say the products, I say great. It doesn’t matter. I show the same presentation. Having said that, it’s important to SPEAK the LANGUAGE of ALL PERSONALITY TYPES in our presentations. This will increase your closing rate.
The two personality types I use are DISC and B-A-N-K personality testing methods. I prefer B-A-N-K because it takes only 90 seconds to use –it’s easy and fun and statistically sales have gone up with anyone who has used it (a great reason in itself).
While we show the same presentation every time, your presentation, you will want to speak to all personality types, so be sure to include ‘language’ that makes people feel comfortable – whether you have embraced the DISC Leadership Style or the B-A-N -K Personality Method (so easy) you want to be sure to cover a little of everything (facts & figures, how it’s going to change the world, how they will be supported if they join you, and how they can have fun & get involved now).
You can even put this in a 24/7 video that could work for you while you sleep!