Step 1: SET YOUR GOALS. How long to Executive (or the Top Level in your Company)? Write it down. What income are you working towards? $500/mo $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 or more! Make a commitment for at least 12 to 24 months to working your business. Talk to your mentor/Coach about your goals and how to get there.
WRITE YOUR MISSION STATEMENT. Create a Goal Bigger than Yourself and remember your purpose (Mine is Educating, Empowering, & Mentoring the Women in Direct Sales & Network Marketing — Making a difference in their lives!).
Step 2: USE THE PRODUCTS AND SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES WITH THE PRODUCTS WITH EVERYONE! Be a product of the product. This will create enthusiasm—and people will want to know what’s up!
Step 3: GET ON AUTOSHIP FOR 100 pts (or your company’s qualifying volume amount) every 30 days and reach your company’s FIRST LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT—Do it This Week! . (That means ASAP). Teach your people to do the same! All it takes is you enrolling one person on the left and one person on the right—this allows you to start benefiting from everyone’s efforts and start earning money.
Step 4: USE EXTRA PRODUCT TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS FAST. Get a product in someone’s hands right away while they wait for their order. Whatever your product is – nutrition, jewelry, makeup, home care products. You will sell more because people (women) like instant gratification.
GIVE & RECEIVE PROGRAM – Give a FREE product and a few CDs (the CD idea works for only some product lines) to business owners and sharp people you want to have as your business partners. (Shows you believe in the products and they will too!)
Step 5: GET 100 CDs or videos (video links) out to everyone you know ad ask them to listen within 48 hours. You need their opinion—create an urgency and follow-up. This is a great way to share your enthusiasm about your new venture!
Step 6: FIND AT LEAST 2 BUSINESS PARNTERS & WORK WITH THEM— Assist them in reaching first level of Achievement in your Company. Then continue to mentor them to grow and duplicate and reach higher levels –it is easier to work in Teams of 2 or 4 at a time. Show them how to make $200 and then $2,000. Find out their goals and establish a plan of action. Work with those who are motivated by doing 3-way calls, sending Welcome Kits, and teaching them the Power of working with your TEAM and using the MLM Academy tools.
Step 7: GIVE GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE AND BE SURE TO COMMUNICATE REGULARLY TO YOUR TEAM. Newsletters, phone calls, faxes, voice mail, email blasts (Response Magic), webinars, conference calls, etc.
Step 8: TAKE CONSISTENT DAILY ACTION – Be sure it is result-oriented! Don’t dwell on the mistakes you make; learn from them and move on. Your check will tell you if you are moving in the right direction. Are you getting results?